La HotBodies ha annunciato che sarà presto disponibile la versione ready to run della Lightning Stadium 2 Pro. La Lightning Stadium 2 Pro RTR avrà tutte le caratteristiche della versione Pro più un motore 4.6cc Power House, un sistema radio HPI TF-1 e una coppia di servi hpi. Il modello sarà venduto in due differenti versioni una con la carrozzeria verniciata in blu e una in rosso.

Factory-assembled 4WD racing truggyAvailable with red or blue racing bodyshell4.6cc Power House engine with Jump StartAluminium pipe and manifoldTF-1 2-channel steering wheel radio system installed for secure controlLong wheelbase aluminium main chassis wBlack anodized chassis brace, middle deck & radio traySpiral-cut bevel gears for rock-solid drivetrain4mm aluminium front and rear shock towersLong-stroke racing shocks with protective bootsAluminium steering knuckles and rear uprights for maximum durabilityVersatile mini-pin tyres for traction on a wide range of off-road surfacesFully race ready!
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