Non è modellismo dinamico ne’ modellismo statico ma pur sempre di hobby si tratta quindi abbiamo deciso di presentarvi questo software realizzato da alcuni giovani ingegneri giapponesi che hanno fondato la Fairy Devices Inc. Il software StellarWindow tramite un sensore USB collegato a un computer portatile è permette di osservare le stelle in tempo reale ed avere informazioni sui principali corpi celesti. Basta puntare il computer verso la stella che vogliamo studiare e il sensore indicherà al PC esattamente le coordinate verso cui stiamo puntando e mostrerà sul monitor una visione mozzafiato del corpo celeste scelto…
Recently we meet Fairy Devices Inc a Japanese startup created by a group of Waseda University who showed us the StellarWindow: a realtime guided tour of the night sky software with a special USB stick with an embedded magnetic north pointing and tilt sensors. The sensor let the software tracking stars and planets in realtime. I tried this interactive planetarium and it give a really cool style of sky watching experience. The software got also a voice recognition system so the user needs only to ask what planet, star or costellation he wants to watch and the StellarWindow will tell you how to point your computer in the right direction and will show a beautifull 3D view of the sky object selected. Off course the best way to enjoy StellarWindow is to use a tablet PC, but a laptop will be perfect too (the software can be used also on a desktop PC connecting the USB stick to a cable even tought half the fun is lost)! Fairy Devices Inc should release StellarWindow before the end of the year at ca 26.000 Yen.
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