La Xray ha annunciato la nuova versione della Pan Car 1:12 da competizione X12. Il modello verrà venduto in kit con il telaio realizzato in fibra di carbonio disegnato per montare motori brushless e pacchi batterie LiPo 1S. Fra le novità troviamo una nuova posizione della batteria e delle molle delle sospensioni posteriori con i tubi laterali dell’ammortizzatore centrale alleggeriti, e due posizioni per il servo. Per completare il modello dovrete acquistare servo, motore, regolatore di velocità, ricevente, batteria, gomme e carrozzeria. In basso la lista delle novità della X12 e altre immagini del modello.
Caratteristiche Xray X12
• new battery position placement (horizontal) for better car balance and weight transfer
• new harder chassis material to make the car easier and more stable for high bite tracks
• longer chassis for greater wheelbase for better stability
• holes for suspension mounting are wider which create wider width to make car easier to drive
• platform designed and optimized for LiPO batteries and brushless motors
New rear bulkheads:
• lowered rear bulkheads to allow the rear axle to move lower which allows to use smaller tire diameter and allows to move lower the weight
New rear axle:
• new system of steel part mounting into the graphite tube makes the rear axle more durable
New front suspension:
• lower, upper arms and steering blocks made from harder material to make the car easier to drive and more forgiving mainly on high bite tracks
• plastic balls for king pin are used for smoother steering
New side tubes:
• side tubes replace side shock for smoother and more consistent operation
New side springs:
• are placed directly to chassis for smoother and better movements
New center shock:
• the shock shaft is extended which makes the center shock longer for better dampening
New servo saver:
• new 4 spring servo saver makes the car more consistent and easier to drive. Makes the car steer more precise
New servo positions:
• two servo positions for allowing to perfectly balance the weight transfer
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